Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A quick note on my numerical scoring

My scores are not meant to be comparable to those on BeerAdvocate, or any other site that ranks beer. When I score, the following are taken into account:
  • I am only judging this beer against other craft beers, so even my lower scored beers will almost certainly outclass macrobrews
  • Style is given some consideration, i.e., how does this IPA stack up against other IPAs? I try to think this way because I obviously have styles that I prefer and would tend to rank higher overall. I don't review beers that I suspect I don't like simply because of the style. Before giving a final score, though, I still do think about the rank of the beer in general amongst all of the beers I enjoy, so style isn't everything. I wouldn't give a 5 to a beer just for being among the best of its style; I would have to enjoy it that much to warrant its 5. It is my blog after all, and at the end of the day I don't really want my scores to speak for anyone's taste other than my own.
  • I don't grade on a curve, so while a score of 3 appears harsh on several other sites, it's not intended to be here. Beers that receive a 3 or 3.5 are still beers that I liked and would happily drink again. 
I hope that clears some things up.

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