Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dogfish Head - Chicory Stout

Stout, 5.2% ABV
I grabbed this in a 4-pack from Red Carpet sometime in January. It was a winter release but it didn't stick around that long after it made it to shelves.

Appearance: Dark brown/black with a hint of red, not completely opaque. The head pours out to about 1-2 fingers and is retained pretty well, and there is a good amount of lacing left behind on the glass.

Smell: It smells very roasty -- notes of coffee, chocolate, and tobacco come through. There is a bit of a woody quality that is not quite oak or cedar, but it's nice.

Taste: Much as in the smell, the roasted malt warms the palate. Chocolate and smoked wood are dominant here, but coffee notes are present as well. There is slight warmth from the alcohol, but it's very subtle.

Mouthfeel: The body is great: full and robust. The finish is a little sticky, but still more dry than I would have expected.

Overall: A nice, drinkable stout! Despite the full body, it's not overpowering, and in fact it's very drinkable. I would absolutely buy this again. People who are exclusively into really big stouts probably won't appreciate this, but I found it to be a pretty tasty and solid beer.


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