Monday, June 25, 2012

Firestone Walker - Wookey Jack

Wookey Jack is Firestone's black rye IPA, which is made periodically, and it is 8.3% ABV. Firestone has good national distribution, and my understanding is that everyone in their normal distribution areas had access to this beer.

Appearance: This beer is dark brown, very nearly black, but not completely opaque. It pours off a tall, light tan head, that leaves dense lacing around the sides of the glass.

Smell: Floral and earthy hops, a touch of rye, slight hint of roasted character and chocolate.

Taste: The taste is primarily roast and rye at the foreground, but a grassy hop bitterness washes through in the mid-palate and persists in the finish. As the beer warms, the rye becomes more and more dominant throughout the whole body of flavor.

Mouthfeel: Medium to full-bodied, and smooth. The bitterness from the hops adds a bit of perceived prickliness to cut the overall thickness.

Overall: This was a really tasty beer, and another really nice black IPA (with rye, which is a nice touch.) For some reason, this didn't really light my fire, but I certainly liked it, and it is definitely a solid beer I would recommend (particularly if you like black IPAs.)


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