Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stone, Pizza Port Carlsbad, Green Flash - Highway 78 Scotch Ale

A collaboration between the aforementioned breweries, all located within an 18 mile radius, yields this 2011 scotch ale that is 8.8% ABV, poured from the bottle.

Appearance: The beer pours a clear dark amber as seen in photo above. Head is minimal and the extent of retention is a ring at the edge of the glass.

Smell: From the smell, I get toasty malts, and the hint of scotch/bourbon. It's a bit sweet.

Taste: For an ale, I don't get much fruit with this one. It continues to present a toasted/roasted taste, with sweetness - possibly caramel? - and much like with the smell, the finish is of the scotch. I don't find it overpowering though, as I do currently with many scotch or bourbon barrel-aged beers. Overall, I would say this is a very sweet, malty beer, that is given a bit more taste dimension from the scotch.

Mouthfeel: In the mouth it feels light-bodied, with very little carbonation that pricks the tongue initially but smooths out. Like flat soda, almost.

Overall: The taste really packs a punch in this beer, even if (for me) it didn't seem very nuanced. I got sweet, and I got scotch. That said, since I mentioned earlier that I'm trying to warm up to the scotch and bourbon barrel-aged beers, this beer could be a nice transition into the genre because the scotch in it isn't overpowering. Since I tend to like strong, flavorful beers, I don't find the sweetness overpowering either; though, I can't help but wonder if the carbonation were more pronounced, would it cut down on the sweetness and improve drinkability even more?

On one hand, I think I expect a bit more from Stone. They don't have a lot of "Top Five" beers that I would take to a desert island with me, but I think their overall oeuvre is pretty solid and that makes them as a brewery pretty top notch.

On the other hand, I think this may be exactly what I should expect from Stone, that is, big, bold flavors. That's kind of their MO. So, without knowing enough about either Green Flash or Pizza Port beers yet to detect their signatures in this beer, it does seem very much right up Stone's alley - even if there aren't a plethora of balanced flavors, the ones that are there hit you in the face and take no prisoners.


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