Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Elysian - Avatar Jasmine IPA

American IPA, 6.3%

Appearance:  Cloudy and light amber with a really inviting, full head, which is about 3 fingers thick. It eventually recedes slowly, leaving a layer of foam and lacing around the glass.

Smell: Jasmine is prominent and smells fantastic. It's backed with a fresh, bright hop aroma and a faint backbone of bready, caramel malt.

Taste: The hops are bright, with citrus and pine. As in the aroma, the malt character is bready and (fortunately) not overly forward. The jasmine is really nice, and for me pretty well balanced with the hops and malt. The overall flavor profile is earthy and floral and very unique.

Mouthfeel: On the heavier side of medium-bodied, with light carbonation . It's a little chewy as it warms.

Overall: I'll definitely want to pick up a bottle of this whenever I see it. It's very unique, and as someone that happens to love jasmine flavor, this is right up my alley. As a straightforward IPA, it's not perfect, because the hop character isn't really front and center and may seem underpowered compared to the jasmine notes. As I said though, fans of jasmine flavor will love this.


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